Friday, April 2, 2010

The Peach State

Everything must have a beginning. Yes, a very corny statement. (wait, must go get coffee...) Ah, much better. Now let's see if we can start this off better.
So, welcome to the Peach State! The authentic Georgia blog! Written by a Georgian teen with a blogging crazy aunt standing over her shoulder with a knife DEMANDING she create a blog...No, just kidding. But for some odd reason she's under the impression that I have an "interesting" life and that 15 year olds are "fascinating". She has been pushing me to start a blog for a while. (so you're welcome auntie!) Now, I'm sure y'all are DYING to know what is the first blog post going to be about?! Politics? Religion? News? School, maybe? BOYS?? No. Volleyball. Yes, volleyball. Pretty much awesome. And not just your rinkey-dink school volleyball. I'm talking high intensity, more developed, more difficult CLUB volleyball! Today was a big tournament. No, THE big tournament! Big South Qualifier. Today, teams from all over the country came to Atlanta, Georgia to play on over 100 courts for a big title (or something important like that). Over 800 teams and 12,000 girls are flocking our city. I know what you're thinking, "Wow, parking must be horrible!" Yes, yes it is. BUT more importantly it's a great time to have fun and play some great volleyball against some great teams. "Yeah, big woop!" But it was lots of fun! My team and I played teams from Alabama, Carolina (not sure which one, and Colorado! We all played really well and did pretty good (though we lost our games, we had good scores though!). And all it took was a couple cups of coffee and 5 hours of playing time! AND...we get to do it all over again tomorrow! But because I love it so much, it makes it all worth it...until 9 hours later and your body aches of sunburn and volleyball pains and you are over tired and worked and you know you get to do it all over again tomorrow, and the next day. Suddenly it becomes less fun for some reason...
So how's that for a first blog post? Did I bore you? Made you laugh? Cry? Any other side effects? Leave me a comment so I can get some input...or get discouraged and quit...just kidding. No turing back now. The blog is here to stay (yes, my auntie will be checking...). So thanks for reading! Hope your life is peachy keen! (Every blog needs a corny slogan! Send me some ideas if you have any.)

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