Monday, April 12, 2010

Dead Peach

Lazy Blogger Syndrome Alert!!!
It seems as if this case has taken a turn for the worst. We might have to send her to a specialist. (By her, I mean me!!!)

Anyway, after Florida, I had lifeguard training! I'm going to be a lifeguard! Woo-hoo!!! I get to save lives! I can have an awesome summer job and make lots of money! Hooray!!!
But no guys, this is serious stuff. This is alot to learn and only a little time to learn it. So after getting home late on Saturday night. I thought it was a good idea to go to bed early and get a good nights sleep, after having been deprived one in Florida, so I will have energy for the next day...I said I thought it was a good idea; didn't exactly happen that way. Staying up until 12 that night and having to get up at 7 wasn't a good way to start up the morning. And after not having ANY coffee that morning, things were not up to a good start. I'm suprised I survived that day. But after almost FREEZING into oblivion, swimming all day long, and going to the beach that afternoon, it wasn't suprising that I crashed when I got home at 5:30 until 10. Then I stayed up until 1, another brilliant idea, considering the fact that I had lifeguard training AGAIN in the morning. Luckily, I had coffee today and no school, which is always a great mix. But now, I am EXHAUSTED!!! As soon as I am done with this I am heading straight to bed. All the more reason to wrap it up. But of course, being the awesome blogger I am, I'm not leaving you without some critical knowledge that is crucial to know....
yes, it's very funny....

Best Wishes,

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